So, I finally gave into the fact that my cold is more than a cold and told work I needed a few days off (yesterday and today). Luckily we have a great deal of subs, because I am not the only teacher who caught this disgusting virus that's going around. Though, on the plus side, besides resting I was given some time to blog, YAY! Most of these sets are focused are Trompe Loeil's new kitchen hutch at this round of Collabor88. As well as their Timeless Kitchen which I just had to have (since I haven't updated my in world kitchen in forever, aka: no mesh!). The other adorable items I've had over the past year or so (?). Anyway, I hope everyone has had a wonderful week and no one else is feeling icky!
♥ Tati
Letter 'T' Light: Commoner - Monogram Marquee Light / T
Rug: Concrete Pebbles - Stripe Rug -ocean-
Curtains: Floorplan - color block curtains / coral (Newish and on SALE!)
Wall Plates: LISP - Fairy Grandma's House Wall Plates
White Cabinet: Floorplan - shutter cabinet / moon
Bulbs in Water: BP* - hydroponics bulb 1 and bulb 2
Table and Chairs: Vespertine - craft working table and crayola stools (past FLF)
Large Wall Prints: SPRY - candy is dandy poster art and cheerful poster art
Food: Poche - Muffin set Strawberry jam/Mont Blanc/ Muffin set Blueberry jam/sandwiches set
Coffee Machine: Poche -coffee server poche-green
Clock: What Next - Cafe Clock (pink)
Hanging Heart: Floorpan - hanging heart chalkboard
Chair: Art Dummy - for winter conversations. (chair one - blue) (Arcade Winter 2012)
Paper Bag: BCC -Rainbow macaron Paper bag Rare (Arcade Summer 2012)
Various Sized Wall Prints: What Next - Hodgepodge Kitchen Prints
Various Sized Jars: Percent - MasonJar-BlueLG-Closed/MasonJar-ClearThinClosed/MasonJar-GreenShort-Closed
Bread: LISP - Bread for kitchen slicing
Kitchen: Trompe Loeil - Timeless Kitchen Fridge Teal
Steel Milk Jug: ililo - Can (group gift)
Kettle: What Next - Laurel Cottage Kitchen Kettle
Pan: LISP - Mermaids & Seadogs Pan
Pan: LISP - Mermaids & Seadogs Pan
Cupcake Prints: Sway's - Wall Art Yummy Cupcake (Four Walls Hunt)
Spice Rack: Ohmai - [Noah's Ark Light] RARE and All Spice Jars (Arcade Summer 2012)
Rice Cooker and Grape Juice: BP* - rice cooker/yellow/suihanki and decanter/grape juice
Table and Stools: Trompe Loeil - Timeless Kitchen Table and Stolls
Wall Prints: What Next - Retro Kitchen Prints
Food and Drinks on Table: Poche - poche yakionigiri set/Sweet potato pie/Cool Drinks
ALSO, Happy 7 month anniversary to Anna of Floorplan. In honor of her progress she is holding a semi-annual sale! Checkout more HERE.
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