The bird cage couch is a Floorplan item for the new round of items in Altelier Kreslo, the shutter-door sideboard is also from Floorplan, and comes in yellow, this blue shown, and white (which was a FLF item last week), and the wooden moon bed is Floorplan too! Winter Thorn of What Next is responsible for the adorable bike, which is only available this week for the holidays! She also made frame just above the Floorplan sideboard. The frame comes in both black and white versions of birds, dandelions, and butterflies, and is available for Lazy Sunday today.
Oh! Tab Tatham of Tatty Soup gave out an amazing Christmas gift to her group! The blue armchair and pillow pile are only two piece of it. It includes the chair, a rug, the pillow pile, a side table with decor on it (a little tree and a frame), and some beautiful curtains. Tab makes the best curtains.
1st picture (left to right):
Bench and Canopy - Cheeky Pea
Table - Floorplan
Decor on Table - Tres Blah (Arcade Event Winter 2012), Urbanized
Blue Chair - Tatty Soup (December 2012 group gift) NEW!!
Pink Chair - Little Boxes (no longer available)
Purple Fish - Arcade Event Winter 2012
Dresser - Floorplan
Unicorn Print - Floorplan (Arcade Event Winter 2012)
Candelabra - End of Daze NEW!!
Books - MudHoney
Bird Cage Lounge - Floorplan (Altelier Kreslo December 2012) NEW!!
Potted Plant - What Next
Sideboard - Floorplan NEW!!
Cake Tray - Artilleri
Fish Tank - +9
Hydrangeas - iTuTu
Pink High Chair - North West (no longer available)
Moon Bed - Floorplan NEW!!
Pink phone - Artilleri
Owl Pillow - iTuTu
iPad - NODe
Rug - LISP
2nd picture (left to right, not shown above):
Curtains - Tatty Soup
Mannequin - What Next
Tulip Table - Tatty Soup
Mirror - Tatty Soup
Cupboard - Floorplan (Arcade Summer Event 2012)
Pillows - Tatty Soup (December 2012 group gift) NEW!!
Gumball Machine - Floorplan (Arcade Winter Event 2012)
3rd picture (not shown above):
Chandelier - Abiss
5th picture (not shown above):
Plaid Chair - Little Boxes (no longer available)
Unicorn - Intrigue Co.
Cat Doll - Lark
End Table - Trompe Loeil
Lamp - LISP
Picture Frames - North West (no longer available)
7th Picture (bottom right of last collage):
Frame with Birds - What Next (for Lazy Sunday) NEW!!
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